Thursday, September 15, 2011

a football jersey

Last week on Friday, while walking through the hallway...
I heard two girls talking, they were both wearing football jerseys...
and one looked at the other and said, "well, next week I'M wearing _____'s jersey!!"

now this whole football jersey has always sort of confused me.
and maybe because i'm seeing it from the outside in since i've never worn one before.
but girls literally get all worked up over this?

to those of you out there reading this, if you've worn a jersey before...
don't act like at one time you haven't been a little worked up about it before.
you know, when you like a guy, and you really want his jersey, and then on friday, you see some other girl wearing it?

bummer, huh?

but i'm gonna be really up front with all you jersey freaks out there...
and if you're ready for the truth about what you're getting all stoked about...
then i'm ready to tell you.

you are getting worked up over a

white mesh t-shirt...
with a shiny blue number.


bet you feel pretty special to be wearing one now, huh?

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