Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Loss For Words

So how was everyone's rapture day?
Hahah I love saying that.

I haven't written in over a month.
I'm not going to Spain, Italy...or France.
But I am going to Ecuador.

I'm not writing because of that.
I'm not writing to make some joke about how Harold Camping forgot to carry the 1 for his mathematical calculation of our death. (Sorry, had to)
I'm not writing to tell you about how I'm taking some trip to Ecuador.

I'm writing because I wish things were simple.
Simple like the worst case scenario being falling off of your bike.
Something that a 5 year old would consider "tragic"
Something that teenagers would look at and say, "Not a big deal."

I can clearly remember being 4 and wanting nothing more than to be a teenager.
They were just so cool.
They could drive, and date, and do what seemed to be just about everything.

In fact: When I was in 3rd grade, my friend Becky and I made up a rule that on Fridays we would dress like teenagers. I'm not exactly sure what that meant. But we some how managed to think that we did a good job. (Shout out to you Beck- I miss you. :])

Things aren't simple now.
In fact, every day...they get more and more complicated.
I'm simply at a loss for words.
I can't explain how complicated things are.

I was planning on writing more...
I am at a loss for words.

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