Saturday, April 2, 2011

Things I've Realized/Things Just About Me

1. If I don't want to talk to someone, I don't have to.
2. I'm only bad at things because I tell myself I'm bad at them.
3. If I practice, I'll get better at the things I'm bad at.
4. If I want to fix things with someone, but they don't want to fix them. Let it go.
5. Worrying about something isn't going to change the outcome.
6. Life...goes...on.
7. People change, some quickly and some slowly.
8. People generally aren't what they appear to be when I first meet/befriend them.
9. Complaining doesn't do me very much good.
10. If you nicely ask someone to listen to me, most people will.
12. I'm generally the main source of the majority of my problems.
13. Facebook is a beautiful thing...I can delete AND block...people I don't want to deal with! (Who woulda thunk it?!)
14. The number 32 is following me everywhere.
15. The second I stop caring about someone, they start caring about me.
16. Procrastinating is something I always regret doing.
17. I hate when people boss me around.
18. I'm too forgiving sometimes, and others I am not forgiving at all.
19. I'm a bitch. Hahah.
20. Wishful thinking only leads to me getting my hopes up, which lately has done nothing but hurt me in the long run.
21. Whenever I have a conversation with my neighbor boy I play with my hair or mess up my words...miserably. (Shout out to you, dude if you're reading this.)
22. I probably shouldn't have just said that...
23. I regret treating people badly in the past.
24. I don't regret being HONEST with people in the past.
25. I'm still regretting posting #21.
26. I like to drive...but only sometimes.
27. Storms scare the crap out of me.
28. I have the loudest/most obnoxious laugh I have ever heard.
29. Okay, this isn't something I notice, but others notice that one of my eyes is smaller than the others. With that being said, stop pointing it out, I know it is, I've known for a long time. Get. Over. It.
30. I'm 274 days into my 365 day photo project, I have no idea how I have lasted this long.
31. I can daydream extremely easily.
32. ...Wasn't kidding about this number following me, it really is.
33. I assume things a lot.
34. I hate people who ignore me for no reason, though I'm pretty sure I already said that in my post where I talked about people I don't like. Go read it!
35. Out of habit I interrupt people. I don't mean to, but I do.
36. In regards to #35, I talk wayyyyy too much.
37. My bathroom has phenomenal acoustics and makes my voice sound awesome. Sooo someone get me a record deal. If Rebecca Black can be a youtube star...why can't I?
39. I admire you if you're still reading this.
40. I like nice people who read about me. Though it's kinda weird...but still,'re nice. :)
41. My dad has a silver sebring convertible that he and I are sharing once I get my license and I basically love the car more than anything. I can't wait for summer to put the top down.

Okay, I'm done. :)

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