Thursday, July 14, 2011

neck pains/awkward parties/accomplisments and a "how to"

seeing as though i haven't blogged in a long time i'll try to remember what's happened but considering that i do a billion things every single day, you might not get every single detail.

i should probably tell you why my title is the way it is...

a few days ago i randomly had this EXTREME neck pain. it felt internally swollen and sore. i really had no idea what it would have come from. all i knew is there was a party that night that i really wanted to go to. when the pain first started i was at my host grandma's house and my host sister (my old host sister's friend) i laid down for a little while and when i woke up it was gone so i figured it was over...which apparently was not the case because it got worse.

when we got back to her house i took some benedryl, watched a movie, drank some tea..and the benedrly hadn't even made me sleepy...i even took 2! my host sister had told me that i should try to get ready for the party and i decided that since my time here was coming to an end i should probably toughen up and go.

my host sister is extremely good at doing my hair and makeup. she did my hair and then told me to go lay down and wait for her to finish doing her hair..then she would do my makeup.

i laid down alright...and the second i laid down i felt myself falling into a deep sleep. 20 minutes later i heard her saying "okay! makeup!" the only thing i could think was "okay! sleep!" my host sister knew very well that there was no way i was going to that party. i climbed into my bed and the second my head hit the pillow i was out like a light.

for the next couple days my stupid neck pain kept hurting me...i missed a party the next night too that i was also planning on attending. i have never had a pain like that before. i dont know what it was or what it came from but i never want it again.

i now live with my old host sister's friend...maria cecilia. she is 17 and has 2 younger sisters. Sofi, who is 14 and Carolina...who goes by "caro" and she is 5. so i have always wanted an older sister..and a younger one...and now, i get both. and the best part is that my older sister shares all of her clothes and stuff with me so i basically feel like we're actually sisters. which is going to make it super hard to leave.

last night i went to a party and it was probably the most awkward party ever...hardly anyone was dancing which was weird because everyone here dances...i was super tired i hardly got any sleep before and EVERYONE wanted to talk to me and ask me questions.

one of the guys i had met at my old host sister's birthday party was there and he introduced me to a guy who lived in texas for awhile so he spoke english. he started to dance with me which was fine and then he said "im kind of a bad dancer" all of the guys here are super good at dancing so i just pulled the whole "haha its okay" ...but it wasn't. he. was. bad. he was so extremely awkward! i dont even think he was dancing to the beat of the music it was like he was playing one of those dance-dance revolution games. he also was holding me like we were doing some sort of walz....i think now is a good time for me to "go to the bathroom"

which is now where i present to you....

1. Try this..."Do you want to dance?" "No, I think I'm gonna go eat." Avoid him for the rest of the party.
2. Pretend you don't know what he's saying. He's speaking a foreign language so it's expected that you won't always understand.
3. Dancing is against your religion...
4. Randomly stop dancing with him and hug the girl next to you acting like you haven't seen her in ages.
5. If he starts smoking...start coughing (this one works)
6. "Do you want to drink?" "If it'll make you leave me alone." (Take the drink but don't drink it.
7. "Do you have a boyfriend?" "I'm actually engaged."

and if none of those work you should probably leave the party.

and now...

my accomplishments since i've been here

1. i can understand what people are saying when theyre having a conversation...sort of.
2. i can get in a car and not wear my seatbelt...and not worry about it.
3. i can identify something clearly...color...shapes...designs.
4. i can dance like they do here.
5. i can quickly answer basic questions: how old are you, where are you from, what do you do for fun, do you have a boyfriend, do you drink, do you smoke...etc.
6. i can tell someone when i'm hungry or thirsty and what i want.
7. i can tell someone when something hurts me and what i need to make it better.
8. i can explain to someone why i have to take malaria pills.
9. i can speak spanish quickly and not speak EXTREMELY slow.
10. i can ask someone where we are going, what time we will be home...why we are going there.
11. i can ask someone how they slept.
12. i can tell someone i need to shower.
13. i can tell someone my clothes are dirty.
14. i can eat just about anything...i am pretty sure i've had about 3420394823094 different soups while here.
15. i can tell someone to give me something.
16. i can tell someone when i need something and what i need
17. i can tell someone how a party was, who was there, what it was like and what music was played.
18. i can deal with altitudes of 10,000ft AND live there for a month. BOOYA
19. i can leave my friends, family, dog...and guitar for a month.
20. i can fly abroad alone.
21. i walk on rocks in the mountains by a river and not die...OR break my camera.
22. i can responsibly handle excessive amounts of money and saving it (this is a huge accomplishment for me)
23. i can say no to drinking even when everyone else around me is doing it.

so basically i'm pretty awesome and i'm gonna be flying home in 5 days! see y'all soooon!!

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