Saturday, March 5, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect

Tonight I was talking to someone who just started a blog.
She insisted my writing was better than hers.
I then explained that I've been writing since the 7th grade.
Practice makes perfect.

Think of it this way.

When you were younger.
And you learned to ride a bike...

Wait. Hang on.

When you were REALLY LITTLE and you learned how to walk.
How many times do you think you fell before you were able to walk?
Now, back to the bike thing? How many times did you fall?

Scrape your knee?
Get a bruise?

Same concept with writing.
Think of people criticizing your stuff as a scrape or bruise.

Remember the first time you rode your bike alll by yourself?

You were just like your fit in, you did it.
You can now ride a bike.

Just like me someday, girl.
You will be an incredible writer.
You are now.
But right now you're falling because you are learning.

Let me tell you this.
Let me promise you.

The very first time you write something and you KNOW it is good.
It will be the same feeling you had the first time you rode your bike.
Or walked.
Or did ANYTHING that you have wanted to do that took time to learn.

Promise. :)

Practice makes perfect.

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